A Little Wiser

Monday, September 12, 2011

Hoop Jumping

I know graduation ceremonies are common to recognize the transition between preschool and Kindergarten, but I have always been in the group of parents (the minority, it seems) that feels these types of celebrations are a bit silly.  I was pleased to find that Weston's preschool would be hosting no such tribute.  Other parents, however, felt a ceremonial "jumping through the hoop" would be a lovely symbol of our children's leap to Kindergarten.  Of course, I refrained from making any number of sarcastic remarks and attended the festivities with a smile and lots of clapping!  

At least there were party hats (no graduation caps or gowns) and cupcakes...fun for 5 year-olds!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Preschool Showcase

Weston's school hosted a year-end showcase for families and friends. The school's focus this year was to encourage children to recognize, appreciate, and respect diversity. An ongoing project in Weston's class allowed each child to create a "model" of his/herself.

Our Bodies * Our Selves

Walden Pond

Spring Soccer

Of course, I waited until the last day of soccer to take pictures. It was a cold and rainy day and most of the kids did not show.

Apparently Weston found what was happening on the other end of the field more interesting than what his own team was up to. Anyone who has the patience to "coach" 4 and 5 year-olds (with hovering parents and distracted kids) is amazing!

I love this picture of Weston. He looks like such a tough guy!

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Welcome Summer!

Fun at the Park

Grandpa Roy Visits

Just Another Rainy Day...

Franklin Park Zoo

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

It is a beautiful spring day in Cambridge. Happy Easter!

*Photos of Ryan and Sacha taken by Weston*